
Med Media Audio-Visual Archives

Archi/Med consists in sound, photo and audio-visual archives belonging to Med Media. Archi/Med collects actuality recorded images from Calabria in the last ten years and has a large catalogue concerning audio-visual material regarding anthropology, social science and oral history.
Besides, Archi/Med supports and produces research activities, social historic ethno-anthropology movement and documentation by audio-visual, phonographic and photographic means. Archi/Med represents the meeting point of work results from the other structures of the group and from each operator.
Archi/Med promotes the edition and the advertising of archives materials.
Archi/Med is promoter of " Regional Audiovisual Library of Calabria".

Med Media - Comunicazioni Integrate
via Al Foro Boario, 13
89129 Reggio Calabria

tel. +39.965.591039


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